There has been a lot written lately about the myth that two hours of screen time is bad. It’s not so, in fact; two hours of screen time is perfectly normal for most kids. Many kids do have too much screen time, actually, but this is usually because they are playing games on the computer for hours at a time (which is OK, I suppose) and don’t really get a chance to get out and play much in the way of real-life activities. So when you read that two hours of screen time is bad, don’t automatically assume that two hours of screen time is bad for your kids. In many cases, two hours of real-life activities are exactly what they need, and two hours of screen time is fine.
What I’m trying to say is that it is perfectly acceptable for kids to have ten or even fifteen hours of active screen time per week. Fifteen hours of screen time is certainly more than most kids will ever get. I would definitely recommend a minimum of fifteen hours per week. As far as “bad” times for TV watching, well, it all depends on the kid in question. Some kids are incredibly active and don’t really need any more hours of TV in general; others have very active lifestyles and need a fair amount of screen time to be able to keep up with them.
Personally, I think fifteen hours of active time on a weekly basis is perfectly fine, and a good amount of activity is good for your kids anyway. Ideally, you should aim for at least an hour of screen time for each TV set in each room (four sets per room, please remember). Also, make sure to take into account how many kids are sleeping in each room! Eight kids per room are the bare minimum number of bedrooms that should sleep during the night, and you should aim for no less than six.
![How many hours should you spend on your phone a day?](/wp-content/uploads/flurry-us-daily-mobile-time-spent.png)
How many hours should you spend on your phone a day?
How many hours should you spend on your cell phone a day? This is a question that has occupied many minds in recent times. There is no one correct answer to this question. You have to know your own habits and what your needs are in order to answer this question for yourself.
How many minutes do you normally spend on your cell phone? There are actually two things to consider here. The first is the actual time you spend talking on your phone. Obviously, you don’t want to talk on your phone for hours a day, or you would simply get very tired. The second is the total number of minutes you use your phone.
If you only use your phone for a few minutes then you obviously don’t need to spend hours a day on it. However, if you use your phone for an hour or two a day, then you may be interested in finding out how many hours of talk time you need. Of course, you will want to use your cell phone for both calls and receiving and sending calls as well. So you can see how your minutes run, how much talk time is used, and then work out how many hours of time you should be spending on your phone each day.
![Does screen time cause depression?](/wp-content/uploads/GettyImages_547408474.0.jpg)
Does screen time cause depression?
A lot of teenagers are becoming aware that the use of mobile phones may affect their moods. This was the case with me, as I am a regular smartphone user and I can say that I feel more down to myself than I do when I don’t have one. This was the situation when I realized how bad smartphone use can be for the human mind. That’s why this question is being bounced around online – does screen time cause depression? If a teenager is feeling down and blue, the first thing he should do is check his phone, find out when he gets the next message, and make sure he has time to talk before his head hits the pillow.
There is a lot of speculation about whether smartphone use can induce depression. Experts have conducted studies that show people who are into gaming and are attached to their devices are the ones who suffer the most from depression as compared to those who don’t use these gadgets. The reason for this is that people who are attached to their gadgets are less happy with their lives and they feel the need to constantly do stuff on their phones. This, in turn, makes them want to make the most out of it and get everything that the cell phone has to offer.
But there are some who disagree that the use of these gadgets can bring about a depressed state of mind. These people say that video game players are not suffering from mental disorders since playing these games doesn’t cause them to go into deep depression or lose interest in life altogether. According to these people, if you spend hours playing a particular game every day, your mind will adjust to its environment. Your brain will adapt to the challenges the game presents and it will be able to overcome the challenges of the day and continue to feel happy all throughout.